Real estate purchase & Republic of Turkey Citizenship


The first condition for the acquisition of Turkish citizenship; priory, to purchase one or more real estates, which is listed in our company, and total value of those real estates must be determined as minimum of $ 500.000 by an appraisal company approved by SPK.

In accordance with the law, an application shall be made to the land registry office for the annotation of ‘’The purchased real estate cannot be sold out at least for 3 years’’. Your application will be sent to the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization to investigate that the price of the properties is at least $ 400.000. The Ministry writes down the annotation of ‘’the property cannot be sold out for three years’’ on the land registry office records. While these procedures are going on, first of all, our company will apply for the residence permits and upon completion of residence permits, citizenship application will be followed and completed by our law office.

After the completion of attached annotation on the property and obtaining the residence permit, the application form in the ANNEX-1 will be filled and the documents that need to added will be collected (This process will be followed by the law office upon giving the law firm power of the attorney).

The documents that will be added to the preapplication file:

Ø  A copy of the passport

Ø  copy of the residence permit approved by Notary Public

Ø  Approved copy of the land registry record

Ø  statement of the application form approved by Notary Public 

Upon the completion of the Pre-Application Form, the form and the added documents will be sent to the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs. Upon approval of the application, the form in Annex-2 will be filled and other necessary documents will be collected.

Documents to be added to the application form for the exceptional acquisition of citizenship:

- A passport or any equivalent document showing the current citizenship status. If he/she is stateless, the certified document proves the statelessness must be supplied with the Turkish translation approved by the notary.

- If there is a child who is in the custody of the mother or father and to whom also want to acquire Turkish citizenship together with the Father or the Mother, the document indicating the consent of the other parent is needed. In Turkey, the document should be prepared by the notary public or the authorized officer. Outside of Turkey, either the document must be prepared in Turkish Embassies or Consulates or there must be an official document which was prepared by the competent authorities and its attested Turkish translation must be attached.

- Certificate of marital status; if married, marriage certificate, if divorced, divorce certificate, if widow, the death certificate belonging to his wife/husband.

- A certificate of birth, which is a record of showing the identity information of the person, and marital status, and list of the children.

-If a document obtained from the competent local authorities is not supplied to handle the application process, the person must sign a statement that he accepts the transaction in accordance with the Article 39 of the 5490 Population Services Act, in the case that there is no information specifies the month and the date of the birth.

- A receipt showing that the service fee has been paid .

- 2 bio-metric photos of a 50x60 mm on white background. The photos cannot contain any pattern on it and it must be readable on machine, which is determined by ICAO.

Upon completion of the applications, the application will be submitted to the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs (NVİGM) by the Ministry and the proceedings will be finalized. After approximately 6 months evaluation process, you will be invited to NVİGM to receive your Republic of Turkey passport and ID card.

Advices of lawyers on this subject: 

Ø  Your spouse and your children under the age of 18 may benefit from this right.

Ø  Children over 18 years of age may be granted permanent residence.

Ø  Although the total value of the real estate property or properties needs to be $250.000 , this price should not be so close to the specified amount and should approach at least $ 300.000.

Ø  The payment of the real estate properties must be made through the bank and bank loans should not be used. Having any loan collateral on the property may cause problems in determining the value.

Ø  USD / TL currency value is determined according to the records of Central Bank on the day of purchase.

Ø  While the process of getting citizenship almost takes 6 months, government officials aim to accelerate the process by establishing a board to shorten this process.

Ø  All purchase and citizenship procedures can be made with a power of attorney to be given to the lawyer, you can start the process before coming to Turkey.

Ø  This right may be used for real estates purchased after 19.09.2018.

Ø  Obtaining a Turkish passport does not lead to losing the citizenship right of your own country.

Ø  All documents required to be collected should be authenticate by Apostille.

Ø  In addition to the required documents; we recommend you should also have the document showing the assets that you have in your country, the document showing you are not involved in any crime, the document showing you are not carrying any contagious disease.

Ø    Application Form (Vat-4) 


Ø    A passport or any other document showing the current citizenship status. If he/she is stateless, the certified document proves the statelessness must be supplied with the Turkish translation approved by the notary public.

Ø    If there is a child who is in the custody of the mother or father and who also want to acquire Turkish citizenship together with the Father or the Mother, the document indicating the consent of the other parent is needed. In Turkey, the document should be prepared by the notary public or the authorized officer. Outside of Turkey, either the document must be prepared in Turkish Embassies or Consulates or there must be an official document which was prepared by the competent authorities and its attested Turkish translation must be attached.

Ø    Certificate of marital status; if married, marriage certificate, if divorced, divorce certificate, if widow, the death certificate belonging to his wife/husband.

Ø    A certificate of birth, which is a record of showing the identity information of the person, and marital status, and list of the children.

Ø    If a document obtained from the competent local authorities is not supplied to handle the application process, the person must sign a statement that he accepts the transaction in accordance with the Article 39 of the 5490 Population Services Act, in the case that there is no information specifies the month and the date of the birth.

Ø    A receipt showing that the service fee has been paid.

Ø    2 biometric photos of a 50x60 mm on white background. The photos cannot contain any pattern on it that is readable on machine, which is determined by ICAO.


Ø    It is essential to fill the form electronically with capital letters, Arial font and 8 point size. In cases where it is not possible to fill electronically, it is filled with ballpoint or fountain pen.

Ø    If there is more than one name and surname, there should not be any abbreviation.

Ø    Identity information are filled out in accordance with the Turkish translation of the appropriately approved identity documents.

Ø    Turkish name and Turkish surname parts may be filled in case you desire to have.

Ø    If you want to keep your current Name and Surname, they shall be written in a way appropriate to writing rules of Turkish.

Ø    If there are more than 3 children, a second form shall be taken and only the children part shall be filled.

Ø    If the place on the form is not enough for an answer, a second form shall be taken and only the needed part shall be filled and signed.


Ø    The form will not be valid if there are missing information, any unreadable writing or it is not signed.

Ø    In case of the issues that are the basis for the acquisition of Turkish citizenship are concealed or misrepresented, the decision to acquire Turkish citizenship shall be canceled.

Ø    Children applying to acquire Turkish citizenship based on the candidate’s application must apply at once and the documents specified in Article 38 of the Regulation on the application of Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901 for children shall be added to the application documents.

Ø    If the applicant makes a false statement during the processes of foreigners to acquire Turkish citizenship, he / she will be sentenced to imprisonment according to Article 67 of the Population Services Law no 5490.

Ø    The person who uses fake documents during citizen application process will be sentenced to imprisonment of 2 – 5 years according to Article 205 of Turkish Penal Law.